Key Stage 1 is made up of two classes; Prep 1 and Prep 2. Over these two years the children will continue to develop their foundation skills in Phonics, Reading, Writing and Maths to become confident and independent readers, writers and mathematicians.
Key Stage 1 is made up of two classes; Prep 1 and Prep 2. Over these two years the children will continue to develop their foundation skills in Phonics, Reading, Writing and Maths to become confident and independent readers, writers and mathematicians. The children will encounter a variety of exciting cross-curricular topics which will cultivate a love of learning through History, Geography, Art and Design. Music and PE lessons are taught by specialists in their field, and the Nativity Play and Sports Days are important days in our school calendar. Local area visits and trips allow the children to experience a range of museums, workshops and special events. Children in Key Stage 1 work towards their Phonics Screening Check, and the end of Key Stage assessments (SATs) in the summer term of Prep 2.
Head's PA:
Notre Dame Preparatory School (Norwich) Ltd, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 01162325.