Those wanting to learn more about the PTA can learn more below.
Who we are:
The PTA is a friendly, pro-active and open group of parents and teachers. We have a keen interest in our school and we love investing time and energy to help with all that the school does for our children.
All parents are automatically members of the PTA and are encouraged to become more involved by attending meetings organising fundraisers, or helping out at events.
Joining the PTA committee is a perfect opportunity to meet and get to know other parents, especially if you are new to the school.
What we do:
· We raise funds for non-curricular activities for the school.
· We organise social events for parents and pupils.
· We support school events such as sports days, open days, and Christmas and Summer Plays and even put on the occasional Charity Ball.
· We run the second-hand uniform sales.
How we have helped:
Most recently the PTA has contributed towards the installation of a new library in the lobby area of the school. In addition we have contributed to an ‘All Weather Surface’ on the school field, acquisition of two new school minibuses, musical instruments and sports equipment.
We have also raised a substantial amount of money for charity, including, Street Child, Norwich Door to Door, EACH and Nelson’s Journey.
We would love you to get involved please contact our chairperson, Amy Orrell:
Upcoming Events:
Notre Dame Preparatory School (Norwich) Ltd, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 01162325.