Key Stage 2 at Notre Dame Prep School is comprised of Prep 3 to Prep 6. The children in KS2 are becoming independent learners and make excellent progress in all aspects of English and Maths. Their foundation subjects and topics foster a real passion for learning which is supported by excellent opportunities for visits, guest speakers and residential trips.
Key Stage 2 is comprised of Prep 3 to Prep 6. The children in KS2 are becoming independent learners and make excellent progress in all aspects of English and Maths. Their foundation subjects and topics foster a real passion for learning which is supported by excellent opportunities for visits, guest speakers and residential trips. Music is a great strength and many children enjoy the opportunities to play instruments; the annual musical performances and concerts show the results of expert-led Music provision. Sporting events in KS2 allow the children to develop excellent team skills and a drive to exceed personal goals.
Children in Key Stage 2 work towards their end of Key Stage assessments in the summer term of Prep 6; the school results are exemplary, as seen in the Times 100 list. By the end of Prep 6, the experiences at Notre Dame Prep School have fully prepared our children for their onward journey to senior school.
Head's PA:
Notre Dame Preparatory School (Norwich) Ltd, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 01162325.